Examining a Healthy Dog's Poop
If you have a dog, you might have noticed your dog’s poop while a Pooper Scooper Service is doing its work. So, let’s get to the heart of this article which is all about Dog Poop. A question may strike your mind, how does a healthy dog poop look like? Thinking this is necessary if your fur buddy is in distress and needs medical assistance. Thus, we will discuss some common causes of loose as well as hard stools in dogs and their treatment.
The color of a dog’s poop implies its overall health. The fecal texture is mainly a function of the volume of moisture present in the stool. It helps to recognize changes in colonic health as well as other medical issues. As per Doo Care, a renowned Naperville Dog Poop Removal Service, a healthy Dog Poop should be firm but not hard, spongy, sliced, and easy to pick up. Bowel movements once or twice a day are ideal. To detect any health issue from poop, have a look at the scoring system. As per a Pooper Scooper Service like Doo Care, a healthy dog should have a score of 2 on the dog poop scale.
Scoring System to Access Dog Poop
Score 1
Stool too hard as well as dry
Much effort needed to expel feces out
No residue left on the floor after scooping the faces
Often expelled in a sliced way
Score 2
Stool firm but not too hard
Pliable as well as sliced in appearance
Little or no residue left on the floor after scooping
Score 3
Stool log-like
No visible segmentation
Moist as well as the shiny surface
Leaves residue but remains firm while picking up
Score 4
Very soggy feces
Apparent log shape
Leave residue but loses shape while scooping
Score 5
Feces full of moisture
Loses shape easily
Leaves residue and loses shape while scooping
Score 6
Feces have texture but no specific shape
Occurs in piles and looks like spots
Leaves solid residue after scooping
Score 7
Feces watery, loose, and shapeless
Occurs as a plash
Leaves more residue after picking up
Problem Detection from Stool Color
As per the above score chart by Doo Car, a leading Naperville Dog Poop Removal Service, a dog may have diarrhea or constipation. If your dog has acute or chronic diarrhea followed by weight loss, lethargy, continuous vomiting, you should consult your pet doctor ASAP. Your vet will ask for an in-depth history of your dog’s activities, diet, frequency and texture of stool, problem in expelling feces, blood or mucous in the stool, and various other factors. Your vet may also ask for a fresh stool sample or a scooping record from your Pooper Scooper Service.
Diarrhea can be very difficult to diagnose and even more tough to treat. Chronic diarrhea is usually not cured easily and relapses during times of dietary lapse and physical as well as emotional stress. A color change in a dog’s poop can be indicative of an issue, even if the thickness is normal. Light brown to dark brown stool is normal as per your dog’s diet. Black poop may indicate the digested blood in the feces. Fresh blood with mucous often occurs in dogs suffering from large bowel disease. However, white stool can occur if there is an issue with bile secretion or liver disease. Yellow or orange Dog Poop also represents liver disease. But, certain antacids, as well as medicines, can also affect the poop color. You can take help from your Pooper Scooper Service to identify disease from stool color.
What to do if your dog has Constipation?
According to Doo Care, a people’s choice Naperville Dog Poop Removal Service, fiber is great in constipation. It’s an effective poop regulator and is readily available in food. Both soluble, as well as insoluble fiber, can bind some of the excess water in the intestine, softening up the stool and boosting digestion. The insoluble fiber in pumpkin can help dogs suffering from constipation or IBS. However, it’s not wise to feed insoluble fiber in excess as it can act as a natural laxative. Thus, it’s helpful in constipation but not if the stools are loose. Hiring a good Pooper Scooper Service from reputed Elmhurst Dog Poop Removal facilities can help you keep an accurate history of your dog’s pooping habits, frequency, problems in bowel movements, etc.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully, this info about Dog Poop detection and scoring will clear up some of the deeper mysteries of your dog’s digestion system. Let us help your dog with our Pooper Scooper Service to keep your yard clean. Doo Care is the leading Naperville Dog Poop Removal Service and a good choice to go with.
Original Source: http://doocare.com/examining-a-healthy-dog-poop/
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