Training Your Dog to Poop Outside

The key is having a command for going poop. I use the words “go poopies”. Preferably, when your dog is a puppy start training him to go in one place in the yard. It’s still possible for older dogs, it just takes longer. This will take a bit of your time up front, but the payoff is a nice poop-free yard. Step 1 When your dog has to go poop, put him on a leash. (Use the command to go poop frequently throughout the training and later.) Walk him to the section of the yard you want him to poop. Say the poop command. Stay with him until he is finished. Make sure it’s a big enough section for him to search for just the right place. My dog sniffs every last piece of grass to find just the right place to poop. Praise, praise, and reward him!! Do this each time for several days. Step 2 When ready to test the results, put the leash on the dog as you did before. Don’t hold the leash. Then open the door, say the command, and let the dog go out. Keep saying the command until y...